Tuesday, February 14, 2012

photography ~

Hello ~   I’m nina gold
 I decided that this post  will be about one of my favorite hobbies and it’s photography.
I loved taking pictures since I was 8 years old my mum use to let me use our family camera and as I were growing I was in charge of taking pictures in my house  . last year my mother got me a professional camera “canon 1000d  (thank-you-mum)  ®
To the tell the truth  I’m not that good at taking photo but I just love taking them , and … I love taking photos of flowers and the sky <usually clouds> . here some of my photos .

I didn’t put them in any website because I don’t think they’re that good .. if you think they’re good please tell me in the comment section below .. thank you .. I hope you enjoyed this  post . byebye  !!

With all my love
-       roqaya.


  1. هلا.انا من المتابعين لهذه المدونة واحب ان اقرأ مواضيعك ،على ما أظن لدينا نفس الهواية.ولكنني لا ألتقط الصور كثيراً فلدي الكثير من الكاميرات ولكنني لا أستعملها بكثرة

  2. اعجبتني الصور واتمنى لكِ النجاح في حياتكِ
